Wednesday, July 26, 2006

At Dark Blue Tory, He's got a great post thanking the Conservative Government for thier PROMISES KEPT. Go read it, He's done a far better job than this old gimp could do.

Bottom line is, honest people like it when a government keeps promises. Honest people respect a government that takes a stand on issues, even if they dont agree.

BTW, I got the full $100 on my child cheque too. And I notice the GST cut, even though the left and the media swore I wouldn't.


Blogger trustonlymulder said...

Don't forget the Hep C victims, the accountability act, the tough on crime bills, the Chinese head tax apology, making us proud of our military, Harper's backbone with the world, getting the softwood lumber deal to stop paying billions to lawyers and start paying most of it to Canadian lumber workers, and there is more coming!!!!

I haven't been prouder to be a Canadian in all my 37 years alive.

4:29 AM, July 27, 2006  
Blogger Albertan Technophile said...

Thanks Trustonlymulder,

You're absolutely right, and every single this you mentioned shows Harpers basic honesty and decency as well.

The Libs were pissing-thier-pants scared of admitting any fault so they refused to apologise for the head tax, to pay for Hep-C victims, and accountability was an alien concept!

You're right to be proud to be Canadian, I damn near burst every time our PM announces another promise kept!

9:07 AM, July 27, 2006  

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