Wednesday, August 02, 2006

This time, THROW AWAY THE KEY!!!

Serial child rapist and kidnapper Witmore is a poster child for whats wrong with our justice system. He's been comvicted multiple times for doing what a human being would never do and recieved light sentances and parolled even though he remains unrepentant. And every time he gets out, another little boy gets molested.

I don't know about you, but I find this unacceptable. The rights of children to remain safe and innocent MUST be protected by the courts, even if that means that the diddlers never see the light of day again. Iether that or look the other way when an angry father snipes a pedophile with a hipower rifle. (Which is guarenteed if any children in my family get molested)

Of course, our Conservative MPs are already moving on this;

Art Hangar, a Conservative MP from Calgary and a former police officer, also called for tougher prison terms for those convicted of sex offences involving children.

"There's only one way to keep a pedophile away from our children and that's to lock them up for longer periods of time and if in fact they're really serious abusers, put them away for life," he said

In June, Hangar introduced a private members' bill calling for tougher sentences.

Federal Justice Minister Vic Toews has said he is examining ways to expand the use of the dangerous offender designation.

Toews said he's consulting with his provincial counterparts about how to make it easier for them to pursue the dangerous offender label. Being designated a dangerous offender allows judges to impose indeterminate sentences on criminals.

Source of above quote,


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